Ranters of Mow Cop

Ranters of Mow Cop

Monday, 8 December 2014

Coverage and response to the the publication of the All Party Parliamentary Inquiry into Food Poverty and Hunger

A digest (or prehaps given the topic an indigest ;-) ) of some early reaction to the Food poverty report.
Keith Hebden... a detailed critical response here

Guardian coverage www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/dec/08/tories-avert-rift-church-food-bank-report

++ Justin in the Mail   http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2863784/State-food-banks-says-Welby-Archbishop-Canterbury-steps-austerity-row-radical-report.htm

Niall Cooper... Church action on poverty http://niallcooper.wordpress.com/2014/12/08/feeding-britain/


Retweeted Chris Baker (@DrChrisRBaker):

We must ensure Hungry Britain report focuses on structural and political issues & not simply recycling unwanted food http://t.co/b5lHO9vaG0

Andy Turner

"A clear moral case to address the shortcomings that exist in our ‪#‎welfare‬ system."

Martin Johnstone

If we really want to deal with the issue of ‪#‎foodpoverty‬ we actually need to deal with the issue of ‪#‎corporategreed‬. ‪#‎FeedingBritain‬

and published earlier http://cos.churchofscotland.org.uk/blogs/priority_areas/2014/08/14/food-poverty-its-time-to-get-angry/

Retweeted Ben Phillips (@benphillips76):

When the Sun & the Guardian front pages both highlight the new all-party church-backed report on hunger in Britain... http://t.co/nNoSQzz6eB



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1 comment:

  1. Here's the Spectator's report suggesting the recommendations are more limited than many would want, but in being so enable to take some of the heat out of the debate and stop partisan attacks shutting down the conversation.


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