Ranters of Mow Cop

Ranters of Mow Cop

Tuesday, 5 February 2019

What almost all UK evangelicals agree -A compilation of findings from the 21st Century Evangelicals Research Programme

One of the ways we can build a picture of the shared experiences, practices and beliefs that identify evangelicals and give them a distinctive identity is to list the characteristics that are almost universally shared. In this way we can identify some of the norms on which they build their values and lifestyle. So here we draw on the data from our surveys and list many of the questions where the same answers were given by 90% or more of our evangelical respondents. With the overwhelming agreement on these questions it makes little sense to attempt to analyse any differences between demographic sub-groups in the sample.

We group the data items in categories of belief, practice, politics, economic and social values, freedom of expression, media and lifestyle choices. Finally we examine in questions that relate to the Bebbington quadrilateral – some of which elicit similar overwhelming agreement.

Beliefs / Theology

Almost all UK evangelicals believe in the uniqueness of Jesus Christ (in a way which may make them distinctive from some other Christians).

  • 91% strongly agree that Jesus is the only way to God. (Baseline Survey 2010)

  • 97% agreed or strongly agreed with this same statement in the Confidently Sharing the Gospel panel survey – August 2012.

  • (in the Religions and Beliefs survey in 2016 when asked to choose from a number of options 84% ticked "Christianity is the only path to God." - this compares with only 24% of Anglican clergy confronted with the same question in Linda Woodhead's 2014 survey).

They hold the traditional orthodox view of the resurrection of the body in line with the Apostles' and Nicene creeds

  • 91% agreed or strongly agreed with the statement that Jesus rose from the tomb with a physical body (Does Belief Touch society Spring 2011)

  • 91% agreed or strongly agreed that at the end all who have died will be raised to face judgement. (Does Belief Touch Society - Spring 2011)

They expect to personally share in an eternal happy future

  • 95% agreed or strongly agreed that I'm looking forward with great hope to the new heavens and the new earth promised in the Bible. From generation to generation - Feb 2016.

  • 96% agreed or strongly agreed that Christians should always be hopeful for the future - even if Jesus does not return for many centuries.From generation to generation - Feb 2016.

Though this does not divorce them from the present world – i.e. they are not simply hanging on until Jesus comes to rapture them from this evil world.

  • 93% agreed or strongly agreed it's the duty of all Christians to work and strive to build a better world for people today and for generations to come. From generation to generation - Feb 2016.

  • 91% agreed or strongly agreed that The Bible teaches us to pray and struggle for economic and social justice. (Ethical Consumerism - survey conducted in Jan 2016)

  • 96% agreed or strongly agreed that Human beings have a God-given responsibility to take better care of creation and the environment.(Ethical Consumerism - survey conducted in Jan 2016)

  • 94% agree that it's a Christian's duty to care for the environment. (baseline survey 2010) …

They also believe in an powerful interventionist God

  • Do you believe God miraculously heals the sick today? 98% said Yes (Yes, often 28.0%, Yes, sometimes 70.1%) Health and Well-being survey August 2015

However they also trust and turn to scientific medicine - in the same survey

  • 95% agreed or strongly agreed that when we are ill it is always wise to seek medical help, even if we believe God can heal us. Health and Well-being survey August 2015

Christian Identity and Practice - Church - Spirituality

Evangelicals are characterised by a deeply personal faith that transforms their life and shapes their being.

  • 92% agree or strongly agree For me Christianity is not a 'religion' - it is a personal relationship with Christ. Religions and beliefs survey 2016

  • 98% agree or strongly agree that they can see God at work in my life over the long term Time for discipleship? - survey conducted in November 2013

  • 99% say their Christian faith is a very important element of their personal identity, (with family as second most popular element at 85%.) Omnibus Survey 3 February 2015

They value a regular prayer life

  • 96% pray at least a few times a week, 77% do so daily (Baseline survey 2010) …

  • 98% say they pray more than once a week (86% daily) Omnibus Survey 3 February 2015

    • among younger Christians in the Millennial church diversity survey the figure was 91% (63% daily.)

The panel members are very active and committed participants in church life.

Maybe this is to be expected given the way respondents were recruited through church and Evangelical Alliance networks. Other survey research on religious participation has frequently found a tendency to over-report actual attendance rates – this could be the case for our panels though there is no viable way of testing the idea.

  • 96% attend a church service at least once a week. (77% attend a small group meeting at least once a fortnight.) (Baseline survey 2010)

  • 95% said they were in church on Easter Sunday (Does Belief Touch society Spring 2011)

  • 96% have given money to their church in the past year.(Baseline survey 2010)

  • 90% say regularly attending church and/or a small fellowship group is helpful to their growth (and 60% say it is very helpful) Time for discipleship? - November 2013

In the second Omnibus survey - May 2014

What are the most important elements you would hope to find in attending a regular small group within your church?

Important or very important

Bible study 99%

Prayer support 99%

Friendship 98%

Growing in discipleship 99%

  • 94% agree or strongly agree nurturing disciples and getting new Christians established in church life is just as important as getting them to make a commitment. Confidently sharing the gospel? - survey August 2012

  • 93% had regularly attended at least one other church before joining their current one. Life in the church? - February 2013

  • 95% agree or strongly agree Christians in the UK can be inspired

and learn from the Church abroad The world on our doorstep February 2012

  • 94% agree that Christians should be united in truth.

  • 92% agree that Christians should be united in mission.

(Baseline survey 2010) NB it would have been difficult to disagree with these statements which were presented in a rather leading way and which could have multiple interpretations.


Political involvement

Evangelical Christians on our panel are very politically aware and engaged, though they have a wide range of voting preferences and prioritise and are often divided on a variety of issues.

However, Only 6% think politicians can be trusted to keep their manifesto promises (Faith in politics? Summer 2015 )

  • 94% say they are certain or likely to vote in the coming General Election (Faith in politics? Summer 2015) (in our post election 2015 survey 96% said they had voted)

  • 93% say when voting for candidates it is very important they are honourable and not corrupt (far more important than anything else) (Faith in politics? Summer 2015)

  • 92% think more Christians need to get involved in politics (Faith in politics? Summer 2015)

  • (96%) value the principle of democracy, (Faith in politics? Summer 2015)

  • 91% said they almost always vote in local council elections (Are we good neighbours February 2014 )

  • 94% agree or strongly agree that Christians should engage with government. ( baseline survey 2010)

Economic and Social Justice

Evangelical Christians on our panel are very concerned about poverty and economic inequality at the global and national level and support some important policies that would make a difference.

  • 97% agree or strongly agree We should work for justice for the poor Good news for the poor? - November 2014

  • 93% agree or strongly agree God has provided enough resources on the earth for every person's need, but human greed makes some people poor Good news for the poor? - November 2014

  • 91% agreed or strongly agreed that we need to continue to campaign hard if we are to make poverty history The world on our doorstep February 2012

  • 92% agree or strongly agree that It is every Christian's duty to help those in poverty. Does money matter? - May 2012

  • 87% agree or strongly agree God is on the side of the poor Good news for the poor? - November 2014

  • 92% agree or strongly agree Some 'top' people are paid far too much Does money matter? - May 2012

  • 99% agree or strongly agree Government should act to ensure large companies can't avoid paying their taxes Good news for the poor? - November 2014

  • 95% agree or strongly agree The government should take stronger action to limit high interest rates on products such as pay day loans Good news for the poor? - November 2014

  • 93% agree or strongly agree that schools should encourage children to question the consumerism and individualism of today's society. Do we value education? - November 2012

  • 96% agree or strongly agree There should be many more apprenticeships and high quality vocational courses suitable for less academic students Do we value education? - November 2012

  • 96% agree or strongly agree Everyone has a duty to work to support themselves and their family if they can Does money matter? - May 2012

  • 99% felt it was important or very important for Christian organisations to build a campaign on ...Providing protections for the victims of human trafficking Omnibus 2 – May 2014

  • 99% are at least somewhat concerned about people-trafficking and modern slavery Ethical Consumerism - Jan 2016

  • 92% agree or strongly agree All frail elderly people are entitled to high quality health and social care at the end of their lives. From generation to generation - Feb 2016

  • 94% agree or strongly agree Care workers should be paid at least the full living wage including time taken travelling. From generation to generation - Feb 2016

  • 98% agree or strongly agree Christians should always pay all the taxes that are due. Ethical Consumerism - Jan 2016

Freedom of Conscience, Religion and the media

Our evangelical panels were overwhelmingly concerned to preserve religious liberties and freedom of speech in the UK, especially for Christians.

  • 91% agreed or strongly agreed that the government should ensure that no one is prevented from, or penalised for, expressing their religious convictions in the workplace . Working faithfully? - May 2013

  • 92% agreed or strongly agreed that all schools should allow Christian teachers, local churches or other mission organisations to organise voluntary extra-curricular activities where the gospel can be openly presented and the Bible taught. Do we value education? - November 2012

  • 92% agreed or strongly agreed that Preachers should have the right to express their beliefs about sin, judgement and hell even if people find these offensive. 92% Religions and Beliefs – August 2016

  • 98% agreed or strongly agreed that Parents should have the right to teach their children (including adopted and foster children) the values, beliefs and sexual morality found in their religion. Religions and Beliefs – August 2016

However, most wanted to extend freedoms to those of other faiths

  • 91% agreed or strongly agreed that Jewish people in Britain should continue to have the right to produce and consume kosher food. (76% for Muslims and halal food) Religions and Beliefs – August 2016

and around the world

  • 91% wanted the UK government to speak out more strongly on human rights and religious liberty. The world on our doorstep February 2012

Yet they were not advocating total freedom of expression as some liberals would understand it.

  • 98% favoured Limiting the continued supply of violent and abusive pornography

Religions and Beliefs – August 2016

UK evangelicals also fear the growing dominance of secularism and perceive it as attempting to curtail freedom of expression and belief.

  • 92% agreed or strongly agreed Secularism may think of itself as liberal but in fact wants to impose its own worldview. Religions and Beliefs – August 2016

They are also very sceptical about the mainstream media – especially when it covers religion and evangelicalism in particular.

  • 94% agreed or strongly agreed that the media generally does not understand religion very well Religions and Beliefs – August 2016

  • 91% agreed or strongly agreed that media coverage of evangelicals always or often Concentrate mainly on extreme views and/or controversial issues Omnibus 2 – May 2014

  • 93% agreed or strongly agreed that Christians should have a voice in the media. ( baseline survey 2010)

British Values - survey conducted in May 2015

Our panel overwhelmingly accepted there were some British values that were important and which they could be proud of, and that these were not in conflict with their Christian faith. However, as we shall see later there were some aspects of current government policy which were more controversial.

  • 93 % agreed or strongly agreed that historically British values have been strongly shaped by Christian values.

When asked Which (of a list of) values or principles are important for being British and should be taught in British schools?

  • 91% felt accepting the rule of law should be compulsory for all students.

  • 96% felt it was important or very important

To be able to speak English

To respect Britain's political institutions and laws

When asked what made them feel (very or somewhat) proud of Britain

  • 94% ticked Its scientific and technological achievements

  • 93% Its Christian heritage

  • 95% Its National Health Service


Generally our panels seemed to favour a fairly traditional, family oriented, health conscious, middle class lifestyle, which was not dominated by materialism and embraced contemporary technology.

  • 91% agreed or strongly agreed that the Bible teaches us to be content with what we have and not to desire more material possessions. Ethical Consumerism - Jan 2016

  • 99% of our panel had some experience of employment during their lives although only73% were currently economically active (in paid work or seeking work). Working faithfully? - May 2013

  • 93% (of the employed) agreed or strongly agreed that I am interested in my work.

  • 99% agreed or strongly agreed that fathers should be fully involved in caring for, and raising, their children; How's the family? - November 2011.

  • 94% agreed or strongly agreed that many children today suffer because there is no good male role model in the home. How's the family? - November 2011.

  • 97% of respondents said they had emailed someone within the last seven days, Are we communicating? - August 2011

  • 97% had used Google or another search engine while browsing the web. Are we communicating? - August 2011

  • 90% had watched TV news and documentaries in the last week Are we communicating? - August 2011

  • 95 % had never been to a secular festival-type event (eg Glastonbury) Omnibus survey 3 February 2015

  • 97% said they buy (some) fair-trade or ethically sourced goods. Does money matter? - May 2012

  • 94% lived in a household with access to at least one motor vehicle. Omnibus survey 3 February 2015.

  • 92% agreed or strongly agreed I value the education I received and see it as a great enrichment of my own life Do we value education? - November 2012.

  • 92% agreed or strongly agreed everyone should honour and respect the older people in our churches. From generation to generation - Feb 2016.

  • 90% agreed or strongly agreed that being involved in a local church is good for people's health and wellbeing Health and Well-being - Dec 2015

  • 92% agreed or strongly agreed that Christians should lead healthy lifestyles to look after their God-given bodies Health and Well-being - Dec 2015

  • 90% said their current health was fairly or very good

    • 98% that they were currently non – smokers (81% never had smoked)

    • 95% that they currently did not drink alcohol to excess (81% never had)

    • 94% that they had never used illegal drugs

    • 96% that they had never been dependent on (addicted to) prescription drugs

    • 94% that they had never self-harmed

    • 93% that they had never been in a habit of eating too little

      • Health and Well-being - Dec 2015

Bebbington's Quadrilateral


There is no doubt that the Bible is of central importance to UK evangelicals

  • 93% strongly agree that the Bible is the inspired word of God. (Baseline survey 2010)

  • 99% of evangelicals think every church should faithfully teach the Bible as the word of God. Life in the church? - February 2013

  • 96% agreed or strongly agreed that 'God spoke to people thousands of years ago and that message is recorded accurately in the Bible.' Are we communicating? - August 2011

  • 90% say they study the Bible every day or several times a week Time for discipleship? - November 2013

  • • 94% agreed or strongly agreed with the statement 'I believe God often speaks directly to

people today not only through the Bible but in other ways.' Are we communicating? - August 2011


  • 99% agree or strongly agree that the message of the cross has made a huge difference in their own lives (Does Belief Touch society Spring 2011)

  • 91% strongly agree Christ's blood is the final and only effective sacrifice for our sins (Does Belief Touch society Spring 2011)

  • 91% strongly agree that on the cross Jesus bore the punishment for their sins (Does Belief Touch society Spring 2011)

Conversion –

  • 94% agree that everyone needs to be born again to become a Christian and be saved Confidently sharing the gospel? - survey August 2012

  • 94% that people who come to Christ will see their lives transformed Confidently sharing the gospel? - survey August 2012

Evangelism - activism

  • 90% agree or strongly agree that all Christians should be actively involved in evangelism. ( Baseline survey 2010)

  • 92% agree or strongly agree Christians should invite people from other faith communities to visit their churches Religions and Beliefs – August 2016

  • 99% agree or strongly agree Christians should share the gospel with those of other faiths. Religions and Beliefs – August 2016

  • 99% of evangelical Christians do some type of volunteering each year. ( Baseline survey 2010)

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  1. An interesting set of statistics although I suspect that the selection of respondents was far too narrowly defined. On social issues I suspect a survey of US evangelicals (defined on similar criteria) would be markedly different.

    1. Indeed US (white) evangelicals are very different. You might like to read my recent peer reviewed paper on one aspect of the difference.. which also includes an appropriately full accounbt of the methodology and sample.

      Smith, G. (2018). Evangelicals and the Encounter with Islam: Changing Christian Identity in Multi-Faith Britain. Entangled Religions, 5, 154-209. https://doi.org/10.13154/er.v5.2018.154-209 https://er.ceres.rub.de/index.php/ER/article/view/7343


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